Tuesday 1 August 2017

Sleep Dentistry: What You Need to Know

Some people don’t bat an eyelid during visits to the dentist while other avoid the dentist for years of end. If you fall into the latter category, sleep dentistry could be a good option for you to consider. Sleep dentistry uses medication and IV sedation to relax patients before dental procedures and offers a solution for dentist-related fear and anxiety.
If the thought of being in the dentist’s chair is all too much, today we’ll be looking at what you need to know about sleep dentistry.

Level of sedation

Depending on the procedure being undertaken and your level of anxiety, there are different levels of sedation which can be offered ranging from mild sedation up to heavy sedation. In some cases, an anaesthetist will need to be present during the procedure. Sleep dentistry is most commonly used for procedures such as wisdom tooth removal, root canal treatment, multiple fillings or dental implants.
The levels of sedation commonly provided in sleep dentistry include:

Oral sedation – Oral sedation is when oral sedatives are used to calm an anxious patient prior to a procedure. This is a great option for individuals who are afraid of needles (which is a very common concern) as it involves oral medication only. The effects of oral sedation can range from drowsiness to some people falling into a light sleep.

Conscious sedationConscious sedation is when a combination of sedatives and anaesthetic are administered prior to a procedure to allow you to be in a state where you’re completely relaxed. You’ll generally be awake during the procedure or if you do fall asleep, you can be easily woken. You probably won’t remember much of the procedure and will feel drowsy afterwards.

Intravenous sedation –Intravenous sedation means you’ll have sedatives administered through an IV drip and it will feel like you’ve been asleep for the whole procedure. You won’t be able to remember the procedure but will remain conscious and will be able to respond to commands. An anaesthetist or dental seditionist will need to conduct the IV sedation

Be open with your dentist

If the thought of the dentist causes you significant anxiety, it’s nothing to be ashamed off. Sometimes people have had a previous traumatic experience at the dentist which increases their fear levels or they may suffer from anxiety. Whatever your reason, you don’t need to continue to avoid the dentist – simply speak to your dentist about your concerns so a plan can be formulated.
At Carillon City Dental, we provide sleep dentistry to help you get through dental procedures if you’re feeling particularly anxious. If you’re anxious about upcoming dental work, speak to one of our dentists and we can let you know what we offer in terms of sleep dentistry options.
For more information about sleep dental procedures, contact Carillon City Dental today on (08) 9322 5340.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign are a discreet and effective alternative to traditional braces and involve a series of clear aligners being used over time to straighten your teeth. This system can be used for a number of issues and the process of getting Invisalign is relatively simple with great long term results.
Today, we take a look at the benefits of opting for Invisalign over traditional braces.

Discreet teeth straightening

A lot of people wish they could correct their teeth but just don’t want to go through the process of having obvious traditional braces. This is particularly an issue for adults. With Invisalign, clear aligners are used which means that no one needs to know that you’re undergoing dental treatment.
You also don’t need to worry about food getting stuck as you’re required to take out your aligners when you eat. However, you do need to be diligent about wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours per day.

Simple process

After your initial appointments, Invisalign is a very simple process. Initially, your dentist will obtain x-rays, pictures, impressions and scans so a treatment plan can be devised. From there, a series of customised aligners will be manufactured and provided to your dental clinic. From there, all you need to do is change the clearly numbered aligners every two weeks or so and have check-ups with your dentist every six to eight weeks to check on progress.

Comfortable fit

Anyone who has experienced traditional braces knows the pain and discomfort that can come of this process and they can often mean pain when eating, mouth ulcers and other teeth and gum discomfort. Invisalign are a much gentler option and although you can expect some level of soreness when you change aligners, they are smooth and comfortable to wear.

Ultimate convenience

The beauty of Invisalign is that this system provides the convenience and flexibility that traditional braces doesn’t. Do you have a special occasion such as a wedding coming up? No problem, you can take out your aligners and enjoy the canapes. Are you worried that your aligners might get in the way of a presentation at work? Just take them out until you’re finished. Although you need to keep your aligners in the majority of the time, they can also be removed when appropriate.

Maintain dental hygiene

One of the difficulties of traditional braces is that it can make brushing and flossing very difficult, with people often having to come up with elaborate ways of threading the floss between the metal braces. With Invisalign, you don’t need to worry about your dental hygiene suffering as you can simply remove your aligners to brush and floss. 
Carillon City Dental have extensive experience using Invisalign dental braces on patients of all ages. If you’re considering Invisalign as an option for you, book in for a consultation with one of our highly qualified dentists. For total convenience, our clinic is located in the Perth CBD and is easily accessible buy public transport.

For Invisalign in Perth, contact Carillon City Dental today on (08) 9322 5340.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

In-Chair Teeth Whitening VS Professional Take Home Kits

Although there are many over the counter teeth whitening kits available in supermarkets and pharmacies, if you really want to see results then you should make an appointment with your dentist as they have options which are far superior. Your dentist can offers professional strength teeth whitening techniques, including in-chair whitening and take home kits, to deliver a brighter smile.
Let’s take a look at the teeth whitening methods which are offered by your dentist so you can make the decision as to which method is best for you.

In-chair teeth whitening

In-chair teeth whitening is carried out by your dentist in the clinic. This method is generally the quickest way to achieve a whiter, brighter smile and it can take as little as an hour to achieve impressive and immediate results. After assessing your teeth, your dentist will apply a peroxide based gel to the surface of your teeth which is then activated with a light. Your gums will be protected during this procedure.
Rather than the gradual results you can expect from a take home kit, you’ll see that your teeth have lightened in colour by several shades at the end of the procedure. You will generally have the option of being provided with a take home kit so you can continue to see results at home.

Take home kits                                               

If you’re not keen on in-chair whitening and prefer to see results from the privacy of your own home, your dentist can provide you with a professional take home kit. This involves your dentist providing you with custom take home whitening trays which perfectly fit the shape of your teeth and a professional strength whitening gel which you then apply yourself. Take home kits are a popular option because you can start and stop your treatment until your get the results you want – no need to worry about your teeth being a little brighter than you expected.

Speak to your dentist

Remember, there are some occasions where teeth whitening may not be appropriate, such as intrinsic straining or severe teeth sensitivity, and your dentist is the best person to speak to before you undertake any treatments. In some situations, you may need to explore other cosmetic dentistry options such as dental veneers or crowns. You need to also make sure you’re up to date with your dental maintenance before you undertake teeth whitening.

Carillon City Dental provide gentle and effective teeth whitening services in the relaxed atmosphere of our clinic. We are located conveniently in the heart of the Perth CBD which allows for easy access with your appointments. Make an appointment for a consultation and one of our experienced dentists will be able to advise you whether teeth whitening is right for you.

For teeth whitening Perth, contact Carillon City Dental Dentists Perth CBD today on (08) 9322 5340.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

The Right Fit: How to Find a Quality Dentist

As with any healthcare provider, it’s important to find a dentist that you’re comfortable with. Your dentist is there not only for routine check-ups but also for any issues that may arise along the way with your oral health so you need to be confident with the service they’re providing.
The relationship with your dentist can have a big impact on your health so if you’re looking for dentists in Perth, there are a number of things to look out for which may help you find the service you’re looking for.

Do they have a good reputation?

In the initial stages of searching for a dentist, it can be worthwhile to look into the reputation of a potential dentist before you make an appointment. This can be done through word of mouth recommendations, testimonials on the website and comments on social media. Although you need to meet the dentist in person to really make up your mind, a bit of research beforehand can narrow down your search. Also take the opportunity to ensure that the dentist is fully qualified – you can always contact the practice to confirm this.

Do they provide a range of services?

You want to make sure that you choose a dentist who is able to provide you with a range of dental services. This means that you can keep seeing the same person even for more complicated dental procedures. Take a look at the website to see exactly what services the dental practice provides to make sure there aren’t too many limitations so you can be confident you won’t have to be continually seeing different people for different issues.

Do they have state of the art technology?

Dentistry is an area where there are constant advances in technology and you don’t want to be stuck with a dentist who isn’t willing to keep up. Again, look at the website to see what technology and equipment they use in the practice and don’t be shy about asking some questions around whether the dentist keeps up with advances in technology. A good dentist won’t shy away from new techniques or technology.

Do they make you feel comfortable?

This is one of the most important considerations when you’re looking for a dentist. Even if a dentist is fully qualified and provides the services you require, none of that matters very much if you just don’t feel like it’s the right fit. A good dentist should put you immediately at ease and leave you feeling comfortable enough to ask any questions. If you go along to your initial appointment and don’t feel like your dentist has the right communication skills and passion for the job, it might be time to look elsewhere.
For Perth city dental services, you don’t need to look any further than Carillon City Dental. Conveniently located in the CBD, our highly qualified team of dentists Perth CBD provide a range of dental treatments in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
For the best dentist in Perth, contact Carillon City Dental today on (08) 9322 5340.

Sunday 28 May 2017

What to expect after wisdom teeth removal

Although some people get all of their wisdom teeth through without any issues, unfortunately this isn’t the case for everyone. Wisdom teeth can cause severe pain, infection and abscesses, swollen gums and overcrowding and quite often the only option is to have them removed. It’s a given that you won’t feel anything during the removal procedure itself thanks to anaesthetic but what about afterwards? We’re here today to talk about what you can expect after wisdom teeth removal.

Recovery after wisdom teeth removal

You can expect some level of pain or discomfort after the removal of your wisdom teeth but the extent of this will depend on your situation. For example, if your wisdom teeth were fully erupted or you only had one or two removed, you can expect a quicker recovery time than someone whose wisdom teeth haven’t emerged properly or had all four removed.
Once your anaesthetic wears off, you’ll generally experience pain and swelling. There is also likely to be a small amount of bleeding. Recovery time following wisdom tooth extraction is typically between three days and a week.

Caring for your mouth after surgery

Immediately after the surgery, you’ll have gauze placed over the area where your tooth was removed. Gently bite down on the gauze to make sure it stays in place and replace them if they become soaked with blood. Apply icepacks to the outside of your jaw to help with any swelling. Even if you’re not feeling much pain, be gentle. Avoid vigorously rinsing out your mouth and don’t go poking around the surgical area. Brush your teeth very gently and begin very gentle saltwater mouth rinses once the bleeding has stopped.
Your mouth will initially feel quite tender so choose soft, easy to chew foods. Avoid hot beverages or drinking through a straw as this could dislodge the blood clot in the removal site. You should also avoid smoking. One of the best ways to keep pain at bay is to listen to your dentist’s advice about pain relief and take painkillers that have been prescribed as necessary.

When to call your dentist

Although most wisdom teeth removal procedures run smoothly, you need to contact your dentist if you notice symptoms such as oozing pus, fever or severe pain. This could be a sign that infection has set in. Your dentist is there to help you get through the recovery as quickly as possible so if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact during the recovery period.
The dentists at Carillon City Dental have extensive experience with wisdom tooth extraction and we can answer any questions or concerns you may have in the relaxed atmosphere of our state of the art clinic. If you’re experiencing pain, infection or other issues associated with your wisdom teeth, book an appointment with us and we can set out a treatment plan.
For wisdom teeth removal Perth, contact Carillon City Dental today on (08) 9322 5340 or make an appointment through our online booking system.